Dycoxan drench 2.5l (same as vecoxan)

Dycoxan drench 2.5l (same as vecoxan)


About this product

Dycoxan is a white Oral Suspension for lambs and calves has been created to prevent scours caused by coccidiosis. In lambs Dycoxan is used for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis.
In calves Dycoxan is used for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii.

Active Ingredient: Diclazuril

Target Species: Cattle & sheep

Dosage and Administration:
Dycoxan should be administered orally at a rate of 1 ml of the Dycoxan per 2.5 kg body weight in a single oral administration for both lambs and calves.

Meat Withdrawal: 0 Days
Milk Withdrawal: Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.




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